Analysing adult income data shows how parameters like races, genders, and educations can affect the amount of income. Income yield prediction salary income is largly influenced by age, gender, and race. Reliable information about the income level for those categories is critical for making prediction of their income.
“How does inequality affect the individual, society and the economy?” (The Equality Trust, 2023)
Less equivalent social orders have less steady economies. Elevated degrees of pay disparity are connected to monetary insecurity, monetary emergency, obligation and expansion.
“We need bold actions!”
The inequality impacts economic, social mobility and education, crime, health, trust, participation, atitude, and happiness. (The Equality Trust, 2023)
I picked data from the kaggel database to compare the income adults’ income level according to their age, gender, and races.
Original datasets for this project were taken from Kaggle: Adult Income_Dataset